The Power of Choice: How Your Thoughts Shape your Life

Aida Mosier

Life Coach / Mentora de Vida


Did you know that we have around 60,000 to 90,000 thoughts a day? And 95% of them are repetitive? That is a LOT of thinking ... the question is, are you thinking possitive or negative thoughts?

Our thoughts significantly influence how we live our lives and the relationships we maintain, especially with those we love.

A few weeks ago in a gathering with friends, our conversation got a little heated ... we started talking about policitcs ending with socialism and women's rights. Needless to say we were on the opposite side of the argument and we both were getting upset. We managed to end the discussion with a big cliche: "We agreed to disagree".

I went home upset, thinking she was very insensitive, very secure of herself and didn't really care about my opinion, just wanted to be right ... which I know she is not, we have been friends for many years. I didn't understand why even though I was consciously aware that my frined loves me, why was I so frustrated?

I spent a lot of time journaling that day and the next, trying to understand my emotions. That’s when it hit me: The Power of Choice.

During our conversation, I had a choice. I could have gotten angry, yelled, and potentially damaged our relationship. Instead, I chose to be curious, ask questions, and try to understand her perspective while defending mine, even when words failed me.

Later, as I replayed the conversation in my head over and over, I realized I had a choice. I could continue letting my ego fuel my frustration, or I could choose curiosity, I could start asking myself questions, writing helps me discover things I am not fully aware of.

So I got curious, in my journaling I kept asking why I was so angry. In writing, I was able to find the words, to understand that I was not angry: I was hurt! The choice of words my friend used in our discussion, hit right where it hurts more. The hurt was so big, I could not see it, I was blinded by anger to protect my heart.

The Power of Choice is the power to breath and let go, questioning our assumptions and getting curious. It allows us to open our minds to possibilities where there were none before, offers more perspectives and most importantly, it makes us stop the negative record.

The Power of Choice allows us to see things that are not available to us when we are in a state of stress, when we are rumminating the same negative thoughts, when our egos don't let us see past our rightioness.

Embracing the Powerof Choice brings flexibility in our lives, it opens our minds to solutions we couldn't see before. These possibilities can lead us to a better, more fulfilling life.

Where in your life are you not seeing the Power of Choice? What would happen if you were able to see more options in every area of your life?

Are you ready to see more options? I would love helping you see possibilities in your life, Coaching helps you get your life from good to great!

If you are curious how can we work together and what is possible for you, click the button and schedule and no cost Strategy Session.

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