
Hi! I'm Aida

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When there is nothing else to do but breathe ... breathe on purpose

Aida Mosier Life Coach / Mentora de Vida Reader In life, we get those moments where we go into full panic, the rug gets pull from under our feet and we are left with an overwhelming p/aralyzing fear. I had one of those moments a few weeks ago when I heard from the doctor that my husband needed open heart surgery. I was afraid, angry and so distressed. My whole world was collapsing and there was nothing I could do. I came home while my husband stayed at the hospital, cleaned, prepared the...

17 days ago • 2 min read

Aida Mosier Life Coach / Mentora de Vida Reader As we continue exploring belonging, a theme that resonates deeply is during times of crisis. We have been talking about belonging, how it is essential as human beings and how to find it as we age and life evolves. Today, I want to go a lot more personal, I want to focus on the transformative power of self-love in fostering true belonging. Recently, I found myself in a familiar place—the emergency room—with my husband due to ongoing weirdness in...

about 1 month ago • 2 min read

Aida Mosier Life Coach / Mentora de Vida Reader As last year unfolded, so did some of my life. Things got easy for a while, I was in a good rhythm and then, they got hard. Too much work and I got sick. For some time, I was angry and resentful at my illness. I mean, I had no warning, no symptom, and all of a sudden was in the hospital. In bed for over two weeks, (and not the good kind where you are binging al your favorite series) I thought I had every right to be mad and frustrated. There was...

about 2 months ago • 2 min read

Aida Mosier Life Coach / Mentora de Vida Reader During the last few months I have had a very interesting journey within that has made me remember why I became a coach on the first place. We seek, tirelessly a sense of belonging, we need it as much as we need air to breath and food to nourish our bodies. In that search, we end up mold ourselves into shapes that fit into the various molds of society, we fall into the cookie cutter trap, thinking that if we are able to simply fit into the mold,...

about 2 months ago • 2 min read

Aida Mosier Life Coach / Mentora de Vida Reader We have been working on resolutions and commitments, which are, ultimately, goals we want to achieve. Our goals are important as they guide our lives, our decisions and steps are defined by the goals we are trying to achieve. Our goals are clear when we are kids: We need to go to school to learn to read, write, swim, dance, play piano …., and graduate! Then we keep going and go to college, or get a job, get married, have kids and then what? Keep...

2 months ago • 2 min read

Aida Mosier Life Coach / Mentora This week has been a struggle, making very conscious and uncomfortable changes in my life. After taking inventory of the last few years of my life and acknowledging everything and all the things that I had achieved without noticing, I had to pause, be grateful for what I had done, and ask myself, now what? Knowing that I am more capable than I knew has made me think that if I was able to accomplish so much without thinking about it, I have to ask myself what...

2 months ago • 1 min read

Aida Mosier Life Coach / Mentora de Vida Reader How are your New Year Resolutions going two months into the new year? Mine used to be gone. For me, New Year's Resolutions used to be something you HAD to do. It was a way to escape from everything I didn't want. The promise of a better life, a better body, a better job, stop drinking, etc .... How about you? What are your resolutions based on? There is nothing wrong with wanting to be better; in fact, that is precisely how we progress and grow....

3 months ago • 4 min read
Dear to Dream

Aida Mosier Life Coach / Mentora de Vida Reader It has been a long time, let's say I was on some kind of sabbatical. It was last year that I landed in the ER with a major kidney infection that I never saw coming, what made me stop and take inventory of my life. It has been a very good life. In fact, it has been a great life, but like all of us, sometimes I lose track of the great things life has thrown at me. So I took the time to sit, relax, get coached, breathe, and take inventory of every...

3 months ago • 2 min read

Aida Mosier Life Coach / Mentora de Vida Reader Have you ever been told you are inflexible or have called someone inflexible? We use this phrase very often, but we are not being literal, we are talking thoughts and believes. We become inflexible when we know what is good, what is the right way to do things, when we even WANT to be right, no matter the consequence. The truth is, so many times, we don't even think about the consequences, we just want to prove someone wrong. This is what makes...

11 months ago • 2 min read

Mall, mole, maul … It all needs context or it doesn’t make sense. I had a conversation with my husband where he explained we needed a big maul to chop our wood. Being English my second language and sometimes not understanding the vocabulary, I could see how a big “mole” would solve our problem. After several minutes and questions, I understood that he was not talking about moles. The small critters that drive my cat insane, but an ax type tool. This conversation made me really think of how...

12 months ago • 2 min read
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