
Hi! I'm Aida

How many of your wishes have been granted and you didn't notice ... Taking inventory

Published 3 months ago • 2 min read

Aida Mosier

Life Coach / Mentora de Vida


It has been a long time, let's say I was on some kind of sabbatical. It was last year that I landed in the ER with a major kidney infection that I never saw coming, what made me stop and take inventory of my life.

It has been a very good life. In fact, it has been a great life, but like all of us, sometimes I lose track of the great things life has thrown at me.

So I took the time to sit, relax, get coached, breathe, and take inventory of every and all the blessings I have in my life.

What that allowed me to do was slow down. I had permission to slow down, to stop doing and reflect.

We live in fast times, where we are measured by how busy we stay and how much we do, but in that doing, sometimes we forget to harvest and marvel at everything we have planted.

But Aida, I am not farmed; I don't plant! I hear, you, let me explain.

Have you ever made a wish that was fulfilled and never realized it or celebrated it? We all have; just back into my ER visit, I wanted to live. I have a 13 year old and I wanted to live for him.

Once I was out of the hospital, I wanted to get better. Living wasn't enough ... See, right there, I wanted to live, and I did, one granted and acknowledged wish. And we never stop wishing, we get what we want and then we want more, that is our new target, that is being human.

So why and inventory? Because it shows us how much we have accomplished already and how much we are capable of doing, and keeps us focused and motivated to keep going, accomplishing more and more on purpose.

Acknowledging and being grateful for what we have achieved gives us even more; it tells the universe we are listening, and we notice everything that comes our way; it opens us to abundance because we see how abundant our life already is.

Are you ready? Let's take an inventory

You don't need a life-threatening event; you just need to be willing and open to marvel at your life and capacity.

Most of the time, you can find a lot of those unacknowledged granted wishes by looking at difficult moments, maybe constant prayers.

It's easier if you put it on paper because you can actually SEE it!

Here are a few prompts to get you started:

Oh please let me .....

I wish I could .....

Please let my kid .....

Please let my spouse ....

When I have ..... I will ....

Now that I have ..... I just need .....

I know we all have those moments; look especially at those moments that might have been difficult.

Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and be honest with yourself. We are not looking at it with our new eyes but with our past eyes, maybe as far back as 20 years.

The last and very important step is to be grateful for everything you have accomplished. This is something you have done, it is all you.

Here are some of mine:

Oh please .. Let me get out of the hospital

I wish I could speak on a stage - I did at work, maybe not the way I thought, but I did have a stage

Please let my kid sleep through the night!!

Now that I have a house, I just need to finish paying for it - Having the house was my goal, and paying for it is the second. As I recognize that I got the house, it makes me proud.

Dare to dream!

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Hi! I'm Aida

We all have

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