
Hi! I'm Aida

Finding Belonging while growing old

Published about 1 month ago • 2 min read

Aida Mosier

Life Coach / Mentora de Vida


As last year unfolded, so did some of my life. Things got easy for a while, I was in a good rhythm and then, they got hard. Too much work and I got sick.

For some time, I was angry and resentful at my illness. I mean, I had no warning, no symptom, and all of a sudden was in the hospital. In bed for over two weeks, (and not the good kind where you are binging al your favorite series) I thought I had every right to be mad and frustrated.

There was a lot of resentment a lot of questions … WHY? As you probably imagine, why is this happening TO ME? And that was the main piece; after all, I am a Life Coach; shouldn’t I know better?

Well yes, and, I am still human! I also have to do my internal work.

And it was doing that work that I started noticing changes, I noticed that, eventually, I stopped being so mad and started internalizing. I realized I was growing old.

My mom called this age the “never age” … “I never had this problem before,” “I never hurt like this before”, yes, I am growing old.

And as I sat and reflected, I realized what a beautiful vibrat life I have been so blessed to live.

I was given a white canvas and I have converted into a beautiful piece full of tears, love, laughter and lessons learned. I felt such a profound sense of appreciation to my body that was failing me, to my mind that was playing tricks on me.

With each passing season, aging allows us to witness the growth of our cherished ones, the ebb and flow of life's rhythms, and the evolution of society. We get to reflect and do introspection to celebrate the milestones and cherish the memories that have shaped who we are.

Through our lives we look so hard a place to belong, to call home, we are so busy, that sometimes, we missed the fact that we might already have it.

I have been looking, but the peace and the love that I was looking has always been in me. Belonging is important, but we need to recognize first where we are standing to take the first step.

As we explore belonging, I want to invite you to look deep inside:

  • what are you looking for?
  • What is something you have been running after and how is it important to you?

Knowing how our lives would change if we got what we wantedAs you start asking yourself deeper questions, you start rediscovering yourself, you start noticing things you didn’t notice before. This is how we start slowly coming home to belong to ourselves again.

Asking the deeper questions. Know how would our live change is we get what we want, and how it wouldn’t.

Here are a few ideas for you to get in touch with your inner wisdom and bring more of that into your life:

  • Embrace the beauty of aging and the wisdom it brings.
  • Reflect on your life journey and celebrate your accomplishments.
  • Nurture relationships with loved ones and build a strong support system.
  • Engage in activities that bring you joy and purpose.
  • Find ways to give back to your community and make a difference.
  • Practice self-compassion and self-acceptance.
  • Create a sense of home within yourself, finding belonging within your own being.
  • Seek opportunities for personal growth and self-discovery.
  • Remember that belonging is a journey, not a destination.

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Hi! I'm Aida

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