
Hi! I'm Aida

Mall, Maul, Mole ... am I hearing you right?

Published 12 months ago • 2 min read

I had a conversation with my husband where he explained we needed a big maul to chop our wood. Being English my second language and sometimes not understanding the vocabulary, I could see how a big “mole” would solve our problem.

After several minutes and questions, I understood that he was not talking about moles. The small critters that drive my cat insane, but an ax type tool.

This conversation made me really think of how many things get lost in translation. Maybe because we are afraid to ask, because if we ask it means we don’t understand.

Have you ever been in a situation where you didn’t want to ask for clarification but you also didn’t understand what was going on?

This is common when English is not your first language, or when you simply don’t understand what is going on, regardless of the language.

But sometimes it is hard for us to ask for clarification. We are afraid of what people will think of us, we are more afraid of the stories in our head than reality.

This happens because we are not living in our bodies and knowing what we are capable of, but living of what others think and the way we are perceived.

It really took a minute for me to ask my husband what he was talking about to clear my doubts, he was not talking about one of the small creatures in our backyard having gigantic claws to chop our wood but a special tool to do that.

After we discussed it, we laughed at it. Not because I was silly, but because we both pictured what I had in my head. It was funny, he saw it was funny and also noticed how I could have so easily mistaken it.

He actually started making fun of the word and instead of just saying we needed to buy a "maul", he said we needed to buy a "maul in the mall". Which apparently are pronounced the same. Don’t really know, because I can’t hear the difference.

But the thing is, we laughed because it was funny, it was silly. However, I can’t count the times that I have stayed quiet when I didn’t understand something because I was afraid of asking.

What would happen if you decide to ask what you really want? Maybe you would get real answers. Maybe those answers would surprise you.

What would happen if you were not so afraid of life happening? Maybe you would start simply living and happening to life.

We have one life, you have a choice to live it fully or worry about what others will say. People will always talk, but you only have today.

Mall, Maul, Mole have nothing in common, except that it sound similar. It is just my interpretation that matter. What am willing think if today?

How are you making today count?

Sometimes we just need to be heard, or express ourselves without judgement. I am here for you.

P.S. I am taking 1:1 clients to work on your goals and make sure your perception is not stopping you form getting what you want.

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Hi! I'm Aida

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