
Hi! I'm Aida

Unlocking the power within: Creating New Habits a step at a time

Published 2 months ago • 1 min read

Aida Mosier

Life Coach / Mentora

This week has been a struggle, making very conscious and uncomfortable changes in my life.

After taking inventory of the last few years of my life and acknowledging everything and all the things that I had achieved without noticing, I had to pause, be grateful for what I had done, and ask myself, now what?

Knowing that I am more capable than I knew has made me think that if I was able to accomplish so much without thinking about it, I have to ask myself what is possible for me when I focus on what I really want.

I have been taking inventory of my habits because, as much as I have created things without knowing, I have also sabotaged myself so many times.

Habits are like legos, building blocks of our daily lives. Some small, some big and some we use over and over without even thinking. They are automatic.

Why Habits Matter

If habits are the blocks on which we build our lives, it is essential to get the right blocks.

How stable will a Lego tower be if you use the wrong blocks for the foundation?

I have been taking inventory of my habits because, as much as I have created things without knowing, I have also sabotaged myself so many times.

I want to build a life with strong habits that can get me where I want.

After my health issues, I decided to take it seriously and make permanent changes.

For me, permanent changes are small steps that build on each other, a ladder to take me to the next level.

A shift that allows me to focus on what is abundant in my life instead of what is missing.

The struggle this week has been because I started running and I hate running.

I have hated running my whole life, and it is an easy way to start; I don't need anything except showing up. I can start small, I can do it at home, I can do it with my kid.

Every day, I run just a little more.

My small changes will be a big shift that will allow me to run a 5K by the end of May. YAY ME!!!

This is not a resolution, this is a commitment!

What about you?

So where are you? Is there anything in your life where you notice habits you don't like?

All your challenges are opportunities to focus on what you want to bring into your life.

Are you ready? If you are, I would love to help you get more of what you want; click the button and schedule a Free Strategy Session.

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Hi! I'm Aida

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