
Hi! I'm Aida

Why we need goals in our lives

Published about 2 months ago • 2 min read

Aida Mosier

Life Coach / Mentora de Vida


We have been working on resolutions and commitments, which are, ultimately, goals we want to achieve.

Our goals are important as they guide our lives, our decisions and steps are defined by the goals we are trying to achieve.

Our goals are clear when we are kids: We need to go to school to learn to read, write, swim, dance, play piano …., and graduate!

Then we keep going and go to college, or get a job, get married, have kids and then what? Keep working so you have a good retirement.

Up to that point, we are working towards the collective goal of growing and becoming productive members of society, but then what?

Once we have achieved what our parents told us we needed to do, a lot of us are left with a lot of inertia that keeps us going, but with no firm direction.

We just got so used to pushing through, to keep fighting because we have done it our whole lives, that we can’t see that we stop knowing what we are fighting for.

When we keep going because of inertia but don’t know where we are going, we have a crisis. Maybe this is why midlife crises happen so often. We are a boat without a sail or steering; we move at the rhythm of the waves.

Sometimes the waves are calm, but normally, the sea is pretty stormy. We get stuck trying to figure out where we are going and telling ourselves everything will be fine.

I know I have been there. Several years ago, I had the onset of early menopause, it was uncomfortable, to say the least, but what I noticed was that my midlife crisis was due to the fact that, yes, my hormones had changed, but I didn’t have clear goals in my life.

I had lost my direction.

Having a goal is a crucial part of what keeps us going every day. It is why we get up and move through our day even when we don’t want to.

Once we have the goal and a why that is so important, you will not think twice about achieving it, you need clear directions.

This is the part where we stop most of the time.

How to succeed in achieving your goals

The main problem with creating goals is that we think we need all the steps and details of how we are going to make it happen.

The truth is, we have not achieved it yet, which is means we don’t know how to make it happen! So, we only know what direction we are going in.

And that is enough, you know exactly what you want, the steps will reveal themselves as you learn more about the goal and about yourself.

We change constantly, and the person we were yesterday is not the same person we are today. We will need to reevaluate and review what worked and what didn’t constantly.

When you are making your goal, make sure you can visualize yourself having it, what it will feel like, and embody it before it happens.

Knowing how we will feel and how we will know we achieve it is more important than the how. Be open to possibilities, take the first step, and reevaluate.

What are you working towards now?

How will you know when you have achieved it?

If you are trying to find your way and want to go from functional living to thriving and making the most of your life, I would love to join you on your journey!

Imagine all the possibilities!

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Hi! I'm Aida

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