When fear gets the best of you

Aida Mosier

Life Coach / Mentora de Vida


I do't know about you, but for me, sometimes it lsooks like my life is being lead by fear.

While that might sounds omissouse, it is not. Think about it, most of our lives can be run by fear: I won't do what I relaly want becuase what are. THEY going to think? Let's face it, we all have something to hide.

I won't quit my job because people might laugh at me! I don't want to go becuase they will know I am not in shape. There are so many things we hide.

But, are they worth hiding it?

Sometimes, going open in what it's important to us is as big as anything else. It is having the courage to let people know that something is important to us, even if no one else understand it.

Our family, our friends might not understand, but when something is important to us, are we willing to fight for it?

This is when knowing why we want something is important. Becuase fear will always be there. Fear and excitment are emotions that vibrate at the same frequency, what is tht difference?

Fear will stop you from going doing things you dream of, things that are important to you, it paralizes and prevent you from moving forward.

Excitment on the other hand, will still make you sweat, it will make your hadns shake, but above all, it will make you take a step forward, lean into the impossible. Not because it's easy, but because it's worth it.

Because when we think about it, it makes our mind and our heart race. Because even though it might scare the heck out you, you can't imagine anything better.

So, if fear is running your life, isn;t time to step out and see why? Most of the times, when fear runs our lives is because you care so much about what others think that it weights more than our own desires.

So ask yourself, what is it about others approval that is so important?

What would you be able to do if you didn't care more about what others think over your desires? Can you imagine what would you be able to do if you were to move from fear to excitment?

If there is something you really want, you need a change of perspective, a paradigm shift. I have been working on different modalities to make my life a better one and I would love to share it with you.

I have incorporated breathwork, hypnosis and somatics to my coaching practice to integrate the conscious and unconscious mind. If you want to integrate your life too, book a strategy call and let's work together to trasnform the fear to excitment and go after your next goal.

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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