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Let's finish the year strong 30 day Challenge!

Aida Mosier Life Coach / Mentora de Vida Reader It's the last few months of the year, what are you doing to finish strong? There is still time to join. Come and do a FREE 30 days Challenge to Reset your Health and Wealth. Sign up HERE We'll take small steps every day to create long lasting change. Small live videos everyday, or watch the replays with actionable items for you to hit the reset button. It is not New Year's but there is never a better time than today to go after what you want....

Aida Mosier Life Coach / Mentora de Vida Reader It's the last few months of the year, what are you doing to finish strong? Come and do a FREE 30 days Challenge to Reset your Health and Wealth We'll take small steps every day to create long lasting change. Small live videos everyday, or watch the replays with actionable items for you to hit the reset button. It is not New Year's but there is never a better time than today to go after what you want. Are you ready? Starts October 13 at 12:30PM...

Aida Mosier Life Coach / Mentora de Vida Reader Embracing the Unknown: Overcoming Fear to Achieve Your Dreams In the journey of pursuing our dreams, sometimes we just need to slow down—not because we’re stuck, but because we need to take a breath, get our thoughts together, and figure out what the next step really is. But what happens when that “slow down” isn’t by choice? When fear, or maybe even full-on panic, hits out of nowhere? How do you know if it’s time to take a real pause to...

Aida Mosier Life Coach / Mentora de Vida Reader In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the urgency of daily tasks and obligations. You’re juggling work, family, dreams, and maybe even that unfinished cup of coffee from yesterday! It’s easy to get caught up by the "just push trhough" idiology—after all, those goals will not happen on their own, will they? But here's the thing: what if the secret to reaching those goals faster is actually slowing down? While it might sound...

Aida Mosier Life Coach / Mentora de Vida Reader In the dance of human connection, empathy is a powerful force that nurtures understanding, compassion, and personal growth. Imagine stepping into someone else’s shoes—feeling their path and seeing the world through their eyes. This isn’t just about observing, but about experiencing. When we do, it changes us, builds emotional resilience, and opens us up to a greater capacity for empathy. The Heart of Empathy: Understanding Each Other Walking in...

Aida Mosier Life Coach / Mentora de Vida Reader The last couple of months have been interesting, difficult times with unmet expectations. This summer was supposed to be our big summer, the summer where we took off and travel, we were not sure where, but travel. After all, that is the beauty of remote work. We were ready, didn't get summer camps for Ian and had several places already looked at ... we are not big planners, more spare of the moment and go with the flow type of people. But life...

silhouette of road signage during golden hour

Aida Mosier Life Coach / Mentora de Vida Reader Welcome back to our exploration of the power of choice! Last time, we discussed how recognizing our choices helped me navigate a challenging conversation with a friend. This week, let's delve deeper into understanding where our reactions come from and how this awareness empowers us to make better choices. When I say "better choices," I'm not implying that they are superior or inferior. Rather, these choices are better because they support the...

woman with jacket on front of concrete building

Aida Mosier Life Coach / Mentora de Vida Reader Ever found yourself caught up in a conflict that, in hindsight, wasn't worth your energy? I know I have ... We all have. In those moments, it is important to remember that every situation presents us with a choice—not just about what to say or do, but t what battles we choose to engage in. We tend to fight because we listen to the voice in our head that tell us we are right, there is only one right way and it normally is ours. This is not...

Aida Mosier Life Coach / Mentora de Vida Reader Did you know that we have around 60,000 to 90,000 thoughts a day? And 95% of them are repetitive? That is a LOT of thinking ... the question is, are you thinking possitive or negative thoughts? Our thoughts significantly influence how we live our lives and the relationships we maintain, especially with those we love. A few weeks ago in a gathering with friends, our conversation got a little heated ... we started talking about policitcs ending...

Aida Mosier Life Coach / Mentora de Vida Reader I do't know about you, but for me, sometimes it lsooks like my life is being lead by fear. While that might sounds omissouse, it is not. Think about it, most of our lives can be run by fear: I won't do what I relaly want becuase what are. THEY going to think? Let's face it, we all have something to hide. I won't quit my job because people might laugh at me! I don't want to go becuase they will know I am not in shape. There are so many things we...